Who benefits
from KodaCares?
Health care decision-making can be overwhelming, especially for those facing complicated situations. While Koda’s digital platform simplifies these processes, some patients need extra support.
KodaCares identifies high-need patients through advanced algorithms and provider referrals, connecting them to our trained Patient Advocates for personalized guidance and support.
Leverage sophisticated patient segmentation
Koda’s claims-based algorithms stratify population to identify patients who would benefit from KodaCares
Patient Testimonials
Designed by Medical Experts, built to elevate care
KodaCares is an extension of our mission to blend technology with patient-focused care to improve quality and efficiency.

“Providers are happier because they can now understand what really matters to a patient, and they are able to better deliver that care. It’s takes a lot of time to really understand an individual patients’ goals and ensure caregivers are aligned in this process — we take that burden off the provider’s shoulders.”
– Desh Mohan, MD
Chief Medical Officer & Co-Founder